
Entrepreneurial Youth!


北海道大学 産学・地域協働推進機構

HOKKAIDO UNIVERSITY Center for Innovation and Business Promotion


北海道大学 産学・地域協働推進機構

HOKKAIDO UNIVERSITY Center for Innovation and Business Promotion

The Brief

Boys, be entrepreneurship!


*田路ら(2022)『GUESSS 2021 Japanese Report』より引用
*『Global Entrepreneurship Index 2019』より引用


*DEMOLA Global HPにてテーマを探す際に使用してください

The Background

北海道大学 産学・地域協働推進機構は北海道大学の研究から生まれた発明や知見を権利化して、社会での活用を念頭に戦略的なライセンス活動や、特許を核とした共同開発・受託研究、産学連携プロジェクトなどの幅広い事業展開を促進しています。2023年より スタートアップ創出本部を設立し、大学の研究成果や技術を活用した事業化、また次世代のアントレプレナー育成に力を入れています。スタートアップへの取り組みには文部科学省次世代アントレプレナー育成事業「EDGE-NEXTプログラム)の一環として、北海道大学がDEMOLA HOKKAIDO事務局運営を始め、2018年のスタート以来、これまでに40社の企業と連携し、47の課題を解決して参りました。

The Challenge

北海道でもスタートアップを生み出す動きが進んでいる。2023年には北海道大学 産学・地域協働推進機構にスタートアップ創出本部が立ち上がり、スタートアップ支援部門とアントレプレナー教育部門が一体となってスタートアップを支援している。研究開発の支援ではGAPファンド*に採択され、研究成果を社会還元・実装化する動きが今後一層進んでいく。アントレプレナーシップ教育の分野では昨年度からEDGE-PRIME Initiative *が始まり、これまで大学生に向けて実施していたアントレ教育を小中高校生に広げていく動きが加速している。

*GAPファンド・・大学が、自律的かつ機動的に大学研究室へ比較的少額の開発資 金(試作開発・試作テスト資金など)を供与して大学の基礎研究と事業化の間に存在 するGAP(空白・切れ目)を埋めることにより、大学先端技術の技術移転や大学発ベンチャー創出を促していく基金
* EDGE-PRIME Initiative・・高校生等へのアントレプレナーシップ教育拡方策(Exploration and Development of Global Entrepreneurship for Primary , Middle and High School Students Initiative : EDGE-PRIME Initiative)

The Brief

Boys, be entrepreneurship!

Japanese people are said to lack entrepreneurship.
According to the 2021 survey, 1.5% of all students in Japan have already started a business, and 4.9% are preparing to start a business, much lower than the 10.8% and 28.4% of students worldwide. Of the 17.2% of the respondents who hope to become founders 5 years after graduation, 57.8% of them have not made any preparations to become founders*.
Although Japanese students are said to be less entrepreneurial than their counterparts overseas,* there have been many entrepreneurial ventures by students in the past. Many of the IT ventures were founded by students, and the darlings of the era became the talk of the town. Recently, startups that are revolutionizing the world are also being born from students, such as "research and development startups" that utilize university research and "impact startups" that combine solutions to social issues with economic growth.
Hokkaido University also began startup support and entrepreneurship education in 2018, and startups are being created by researchers. Next, momentum is building for the creation of student startups. Through DEMOLA, we want to create student "startups" at Hokkaido University. We are waiting for the "strongest" students who have a strong desire and interest in social issues and seriously want to solve them.


*Please use it to search for themes on DEMOLA Global HP.

The Background

Hokkaido University, the Industry-Academia Collaboration Promotion Headquarters of the Organization for the Promotion of Industry-Academia Collaboration and Regional Cooperation, strategically facilitates a wide range of business activities such as licensing initiatives and collaborative development through patents, as well as commissioned research and industry-academia collaboration projects, to commercialize inventions and knowledge derived from Hokkaido University's research for societal utilization.
As part of the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science, and Technology's "EDGE-NEXT Program" for nurturing the next generation of entrepreneurs, Hokkaido University launched the DEMOLA HOKKAIDO office in 2018. Since then, we have collaborated with 40 companies and successfully resolved 47 challenges.
Hokkaido University believes that "innovation startups are necessary for social change" and supports start-ups through all-Hokkaido collaboration.

The Challenge

A startup is a company that creates social innovation (innovation) through innovative technology or business models. Unlike a small business that steadily develops its business, a startup aims for rapid growth and business expansion in a short period.
The impression that entrepreneurship is risky and reserved for a select few is becoming a thing of the past, and the momentum to support startups is growing in Japan. 101st Prime Minister Kishida has designated 2022 as the first year for startups and has called for the creation of human resources and networks for startup creation. He has been promoting a startup policy based on the three pillars of strengthening the supply of capital, diversifying exit strategies, and promoting open innovation.
Hokkaido is also moving forward with the creation of startups, and in 2023 Hokkaido University's Organization for Promotion of Industry-Academia-Regional Collaboration will establish a Startup Creation Division to support startups through the combined efforts of the Startup Support Division and the Entrepreneur Education Division. In the area of research and development support, the GAP Fund* has been adopted, and the movement to return research results to society and implement them in the future will be further promoted. In the area of entrepreneurship education, the EDGE-PRIME Initiative* was launched last year, accelerating the expansion of entrepreneurship education, which had previously been offered to university students, to elementary, junior high, and high school students.
With various supports in place, we hope to create new startups from Hokkaido. We are looking for people who are interested in social issues and have already taken action, people who want to provide value to society through their research or that of their teachers, people who have expertise in finance or business and want to support startups, and people who seriously want to "change the world". We are looking for people who want to "change the world" with us. Let's create "startups" that will change the world together with us.

* GAP Fund: A fund for universities to autonomously and flexibly provide relatively small amounts of development funds (prototype development, prototype testing, etc.) to university laboratories to fill the gaps that exist between basic university research and commercialization, thereby promoting technology transfer of advanced university technologies and the creation of university-launched ventures.
* EDGE-PRIME Initiative:(Exploration and Development of Global Entrepreneurship for Primary , Middle and High School Students Initiative : EDGE-PRIME Initiative)







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