What lies beyond "measurement"?


The Brief
【Better life & Wellbeing】
*DEMOLA Global HPにてテーマを探す際に使用してください
The background
The challenge
例えば、近年、身長と体重の相関から肥満か痩せすぎかを判定することができるBMI(Body Mass Index)という指標が一般に知られるようになってきました。しかし、BMIが同じ人(身長や体重が一緒)でも体つきが違い、ある特定の病気(脂肪の過剰な蓄積による生活習慣病)のかかりやすさやかかりにくさも違うことがわかってきました。そこで生まれたのが体脂肪計です。さらに技術が発展し、脂肪だけでなく骨や筋肉などに分けて計測することが可能になったことで、体重や脂肪量だけで見えなかった体の中身を詳細に知ることができる体組成計が開発されました。これは、当時の“体重と身長の相関=健康のバロメーター”という常識を疑うところから始まったのではないでしょうか?
<2021年度 第2回 DEMOLA HOKKAIDO の日程>
(Schedule for 2021_2nd DEMOLA HOKKAIDO)
◆8 /7 (10:00-17:00) :Kick off event
◆8/21 (10:00-17:00) :Workshop
◆8/28 (10:00-17:00) :Workshop
◆9/11 (13:00-17:00) ::発表練習会 Demonstration Practice
◆9/26 (13:00-17:00) :最終発表会 + ネットワーキング Final Demonstration + Networking
* In addition to the above schedule, there will be a team meeting once a week .
The Brief
Since ancient times, humans have been measuring various things, such as length, area, volume, and time. For example, in order to sow seeds at the optimal time, it was necessary to measure time, and in order to build a solid house, it was necessary to measure length and weight. It is also necessary to measure electrolytes (sodium, potassium, and other ions) in the blood for kidney disease and other diseases. By measuring, human beings have built civilization and acquired convenient and healthy lives.
With the development of science and analysis technology, it has become possible to measure various invisible things, but is it possible to apply the technology that has been used only for specific purposes and in limited places such as medical fields?
What will be the purpose and what will we try to see in the future world? Would you like to think about this with us?
【Better life & Wellbeing】
*Please use it to search for themes on DEMOLA Global HP.
The background
"Supporting the present while pioneering the future”
JOKOH CO.,LTD. began full-scale operations in Sapporo, Hokkaido, in 1947 with the unwavering belief that we would contribute to the development of scientific culture.
Today, we operate three main businesses: wholesale sales of medical equipment, manufacturing and sales of medical equipment, and manufacturing and sales of nanotechnology equipment.
1. Wholesale of medical equipment
We have nine locations in Hokkaido, mainly in Sapporo. We sell and repair medical equipment and consumables in a community-based manner.
2. Manufacture and sale of medical equipment
We research, develop, and manufacture medical equipment used in the examination of diseases. We sell our products not only domestically, but also export them to more than 45 countries around the world as a global business. In terms of the number of units shipped, overseas shipments are larger than domestic shipments.
3. Manufacturing and sales of nanotechnology equipment
We are contributing to the nanosizing of materials in a wide range of fields, from batteries and electronic components to pharmaceuticals and foodstuffs, with our proprietary nanoparticulation equipment.
In addition, JOKOH has been selected by the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry as a "company with a bright future for the region. We were selected in 2018 as a key player in the local economy. It is estimated that there are 4.21 million companies in Japan, of which 4,600 businesses have been selected, and we are one of them.
In addition to major changes like COVID-19, the world is changing little by little, and by the time we realize it, it is changing for the better.
As a member of Japan's innovation ecosystem, we will continue to move forward with a strong determination to "open up the future while supporting the present," working hand in hand with research institutes and companies in Japan and abroad, as a leader who does not overlook these slow but sure changes and creates further changes.
The challenge
For what purpose do humans try to measure, and what has it brought to us?
The Chinese character for "measure" has a variety of meanings, such as "to measure," "to weigh," and "to measure. It can be said that since ancient times, human beings have built their civilization by "measuring" various things such as length, area, volume, and time, and have acquired convenient and healthy lifestyles. Among them, "to measure" means "to try to know the length, shortness, height, width, size, etc., using instruments", and "measurement" (to grasp quantities in order to achieve a specific purpose) in particular may be the one that has contributed the most to society along with the development of science.
For example, in recent years, the Body Mass Index (BMI), which can determine whether a person is overweight or obese based on the correlation between height and weight, has become well known to the general public.
However, it is now known that even people with the same BMI (same height and weight) have different body types and are susceptible or not susceptible to certain diseases (lifestyle-related diseases caused by excessive fat accumulation). This is where the body fat scale was born.
With the further development of technology, it became possible to measure not only fat, but also bones and muscles separately, which led to the development of body composition scales that could provide detailed information on the contents of the body that could not be seen with weight and fat alone. Didn't this start from doubting the common sense of the time that "correlation between weight and height = barometer of health"?
By the way, do you remember the word "ion"? It is said that there are more than 50 types of electrically charged atoms.
A certain company's soft drinks contain sodium ions, potassium ions, etc. (it's written on the label).
It is the lithium ion battery that runs your phone.
The pH, which tells us whether we are acidic or alkaline, can be found by measuring hydrogen ions.
As you can see, there are many ions in our bodies and around us, and they support our lives.
An ion-selective electrode can selectively measure the concentration of these various ions. They are used for component analysis of blood and urine in the medical field, automatic monitoring of river water quality in environmental measurement, and salinity meters in food, but we believe that there is an untapped field.
No specialized knowledge is required!
Let's combine your "why?" and work together to find the "future beyond measurement"!
<Schedule for 2021_2nd DEMOLA HOKKAIDO>
◆8 /7 (10:00-17:00) :Kick off event
◆8/21 (10:00-17:00) :Workshop
◆8/28 (10:00-17:00) :Workshop
◆9/11 (13:00-17:00) :Demonstration Practice
◆9/26 (13:00-17:00) :Final Demonstration + Networking
* In addition to the above schedule, there will be a team meeting once a week .