~「一人ひとりの人生が、豊かで意味のある社会」を実現しよう~ 超高齢化社会をライフハック
~Let's create a society where each person's life is rich and meaningful~ Life hacks for a super-aging society

MOE welfare service

MOE welfare service
The brief
人は誰でも年を取り、老いていきます。日本は世界でもっとも高齢化率の高い国となり、生産年齢、いわゆる労働人口は減少しています。2035 年には日本の高齢化は 33%を超えると予想されており、年金、医療、介護、子ども・子育てなどといった社会保障のレベルが維持できなくなる可能性が高く、簡単に社会保障を受けられなくなるかもしれません。確実に来る超高齢化社会をより良い社会にするために、私たち一人ひとりが今から始めるべきことは何だろう?
The background
老いることは常に喪失との戦いではありますが、併せて人生に厚みが増すプロセスでもあります。そのような人生の大切な時間を過ごす時に、何らかの理由で介護を必要とされているならば、私たちはご自身の意志を生活に反映させ、ご満足いただくための努力を惜しみません。「この出会いに感謝し、介護を通して高齢者やそのご家族、社会のお役に立つことで感動を共有できる企業を目指す」。これは私たちの企業理念であり、目指すべきゴールのひとつの形でもあります。私たちの基礎である「介護」、命を守る為の「看護」、 さらに自分らしくあり続けるための「リハビリ」、そしてこれらを支える「人材育成」を根底に皆様の生活と生命を支え、今まで以上にご満足いただけるサービスの提供へ踏み出します。皆さんと一緒に新たなアイデアを考えるのを楽しみにしています。
The problem
皆さんは“他人の介護を受ける“ことに対してどのようなイメージを持ちますか?多くの被介護者は「できれば介護を受けたくない」と思っています。人は誰しも、他人の介護を受けることに少なからず精神的、心理的負担を感じるのかもしれません。デジタルトランスフォーメーション(DX 化)やロボット化などの技術の発展によって、介護の質や量だけが満たされれば精神的・心理的負担がなくなるのでしょうか。人生を豊かにするために本当に必要なことは「自らの意志を生活に反映する」「自ら決めて、自ら行うこと」なのではないでしょうか?
生産年齢、いわゆる労働人口は減少し、2035 年には日本の高齢化は 33%を超えるなど、深刻な人手不足や社会保障費の逼迫が予想されています。このような現実から目を背けず、例えば介護を必要としない社会の実現など、高齢者から若者まで一人ひとりの人生を豊かで意味のあるものにするためにどうすればいいのだろう?確実に来る超高齢化社会をより良い社会にするために、今私たち一人ひとりが始めるべきことは何だろう?
2020 年度 第 3 回 DEMOLA HOKKAIDO の日程
10/17 : Kickoff イベント等(11:00-17:00)
10/31 : Workshop (10:00-17:00)
11/07 : Workshop (10:00-17:00)
11/21 : 発表練習会 (10:00-17:00)
12/05 : 最終発表会 (13:00-17:00) + ネットワーキング
*上記の他に 1 回/週程度程度のチームミーティングがあります。
The brief
"Have you ever imagined what it would be like if your mother or father needed care?
Have you ever imagined a future where you are an elderly person?
We all age and grow old. Japan has the highest rate of aging in the world and its working age, or working population, is declining. The level of social security (pensions, medical care, nursing care, child/child care, etc.) is likely to be unsustainable and people may not be able to receive social security benefits easily. What should each of us start doing now to make our super-aging society a better one?
The inevitable super-aging society is coming. From the elderly to the young, don't we all need to make our lives rich and meaningful for each of us? Would you like to join us in the search for "ways to enrich the lives of individual people" by life hacking into the super-aging society and breaking through the common sense and common sense that we usually believe in?
The background
MOE Welfare Service Co., Ltd. was established as a private company in Rumoi, with the goal of providing comprehensive, integrated and efficient services since the establishment of the long-term care insurance infrastructure in April 1999.
Aging is always a battle against loss, but it is also a process of adding depth to one's life.
If for some reason you are spending such an important time in your life and you need a caregiver, we will spare no effort to reflect your will in your life and make sure that you are satisfied. We are grateful for this encounter and aim to be a company that shares our excitement by helping the elderly, their families and society through care. This is our corporate philosophy and one of our goals. We are stepping forward to provide services that will support your life and livelihood and provide you with greater satisfaction than ever before, based on the foundations of nursing care, which is the foundation of nursing care, nursing care to protect your life, rehabilitation to help you stay true to yourself, and human resource development to support these services. I look forward to working with you to come up with new ideas.
The problem
What is your image of "being cared for by others"? Many caregivers think that they would not want to be cared for if they could. We all may feel more than a little mental and psychological burden to be cared for by others. Will technological developments such as digital transformation (DX) and robotization eliminate the mental and psychological burden if only the quality and quantity of care is satisfied? Isn't it true that what is really necessary to enrich our lives is "reflecting our own will in our lives" and "making our own decisions and doing them on our own"?
The working age population is declining, and by 2035, Japan's aging population will exceed 33% of the total population. How can we make the lives of everyone, from the elderly to the young, richer and more meaningful without turning a blind eye to these realities, for example, by creating a society that does not require nursing care? What should each of us do now to make our society better in the face of a super-aging society that is sure to come?
You and your family members are getting older and older. Why don't you think of ways to enrich your life and create a better society together, without being bound by common sense or the usual way of thinking?
Schedule of the 2020_3rd DEMOLA HOKKAIDO
10/17 : Kickoff event(11:00-17:00)
10/31 : Workshop (10:00-17:00)
11/07 : Workshop (10:00-17:00)
11/21 : Demonstration Practice (10:00-17:00)
12/05 : Final Demonstration (13:00-17:00) + Networking
*There is a team meeting once a week .