“人の気持ち”に寄り添ったサービスを届けたい ヒューマンセントリック・モビリティ
We want to deliver a service that is close to "people's feelings". Human Centric Mobility


The brief
The background
株式会社クレタは、1998 年に設立した苫小牧に本社を置く自動車に関する総合商社です。軽自動車の新車を中心とした新車・中古車の販売、自動車整備全般、板金塗装、車検・法定点検、保険、レンタリースなど、幅広いサービスを展開し成長してきました。クレタは自動車を通して北海道を元気にしたいと考えています。北海道を元気にするためには、地域の人づくり、つまり“未来を担う人を育てる”ことが必要だと考えています。クレタの考え方の中心には常に“人”がいます。これからの未来を担う子供たちに、どのような学ぶ機会を与え、どうやって学ぶ意欲を育てることが必要か、常に試行錯誤しています。
株式会社クレタ HP:
日本は、新型コロナウイルス、グローバル化や情報通信技術の進展、少子高齢化など社会の急激な変化に伴い、先行きが不透明な社会に移行しています。特に、北海道は課題先進地域だと言われています。広大な大地ゆえに発生する過疎化・都市への一極集中、物流網の問題。少子高齢化に伴う医療費の上昇。小中学生の学力テストの正答率は全国42位という教育水準の偏り。平均所得は全国 30 位であり、消費市場としても決して豊かであるとは言えない現状があります。
人生の中で大きい買い物の 1 つである自動車。自動車は一度購入すると、数年間~数十年間を共にするパートナーとなります。乗る人の命を預かる自動車は、単純に安ければいいというモノではありません。信頼できる購入先と出会い、自分や身近な人を運び、日々の整備や乗り換え時に気軽に相談できる相手がいるかなど、常に人間同士の関わりが、そこには生まれます。例え、シェアリングが中心となったとしても、そこに前提として信頼が必要なことに変わりはありません。
2020 年度 第 3 回 DEMOLA HOKKAIDO の日程
10/17 : Kickoff イベント等(11:00-17:00)
10/31 : Workshop (10:00-17:00)
11/07 : Workshop (10:00-17:00)
11/21 : 発表練習会 (10:00-17:00)
12/05 : 最終発表会 (13:00-17:00) + ネットワーキング
*上記の他に 1 回/週程度程度のチームミーティングがあります。
The brief
The automobile, which has been positioned as a means of transporting more people and goods at higher speeds, is undergoing a major transformation. The automobile is evolving at an accelerated pace: it will be connected to a network, it will be self-driving, its usage will shift from ownership to usage, and it will be powered by electricity instead of gasoline.
What do these changes bring to us?
What people really need is not a car in the form of a thing, but rather "mobility" - the ability to get from point A to point B in the most comfortable and efficient way possible - in other words, the value of the experience. So, when VR and telework become commonplace and human mobility decreases, will people stop needing cars? At what point in time and for what kind of people will cars be needed? How should the original value of the automobile experience change in line with changes in people's values and behaviors when the focus is
not on technology but on people?
The background
Kereta Corporation is a general automotive trading company established in 1998 and headquartered in Tomakomai. The company has grown through the development of a wide range of services, including the sale of new and used cars, with a focus on new and used mini-cars, general auto maintenance, sheet metal painting, vehicle
inspections and legal inspections, insurance, and leasing. Kereta hopes to revitalize Hokkaido through automobiles. In order to revitalize Hokkaido, Kereta believes that it is necessary to develop the human resources of the region, in other words, to "nurture the people who will carry the future". People have always been at the center of Kereta's thinking. We are always going through a process of trial and error to find out what kind of opportunities for learning we need to provide to the children who will carry the future and
how we can nurture their desire to learn. Through the automotive industry, we hope to explore new possibilities that will lead to the development of the people of the future, which is possible only at Kereta.
Japan is transitioning into a society with an uncertain future due to rapid social changes such as Covid-19, globalization, advances in information and communication technology, and a declining and aging population. Hokkaido is said to be an advanced region in terms of challenges. Due to the vastness of the land, there are problems of depopulation, concentration of population in the cities and distribution networks. Medical costs are rising due to the declining birthrate and aging population. The average percentage of elementary and junior high school students who pass a standardized test of academic ability is 42nd in Japan, which is unbalanced in terms of the level of education. The average income ranks 30th in Japan, and the consumer market is not exactly affluent.
The automobile is one of the biggest purchases in life. Once you buy a car, it becomes your partner for years or decades to come. It is not simply a matter of being cheap, as the car is a part of the driver's life. It is always about meeting a reliable buyer, transporting yourself and those close to you, and having someone you can easily talk to about daily maintenance and changing vehicles, which is where human interaction comes into play.
Even if sharing is the focus of business, the fact remains that trust is a prerequisite to success.
Kereta has been a partner to its customers in Hokkaido and has been a part of many stories. Hokkaido may not be an economically affluent region. However, it is a fact that a variety of companies in Hokkaido, such as leading convenience stores and furniture manufacturers, have developed business models to cope with adversity and have grown into national companies. In Hokkaido, which is experiencing a declining birthrate and aging population and declining incomes as an advanced region in terms of challenges, creating a new business model that responds to the challenges ahead of the rest of the country will help save Japan in the future.
Let's work together to create a service that creates a future that begins in Hokkaido, one that people will want to use and one that they must use, in response to environmental changes.
Schedule of the 2020_3rd DEMOLA HOKKAIDO
10/17 : Kickoff event(11:00-17:00)
10/31 : Workshop (10:00-17:00)
11/07 : Workshop (10:00-17:00)
11/21 : Demonstration Practice (10:00-17:00)
12/05 : Final Demonstration (13:00-17:00) + Networking
*There is a team meeting once a week .