What is a truly prosperous and sustainable society?


The Brief
2015 年、国連サミットにおいて 2030 年までに達成すべき「持続可能な開発目標」である SDGs(Sustainable Development Goals)が採択されて以来、世界中で様々な取り組みが行われていますが、まだまだ十分とは言えません。
The background
私たちキングラングループは、「継続」「創造」「挑戦」の 3C SPIRIT を持って独自のカーテン管理システムを始めとする医療・福祉サービスを中心に、暮らしに必要な「医(医療・福祉分野)・食(安心安全な食の提供)・住(健康的な住環境)」からなる、清潔で快適な環境空間を提供し、「医・食・住」から創造される「楽」を皆様に提供すべく常に最高のチカラで走り続けています。
当社の基幹事業である「カーテン管理システム」は全国の医療・福祉施設の約 60%のシェアを占めており、信頼のネットワークの築いています。これは当社の強みであると同時に、進化させたいリソースでもあります。
The challenge
2015 年、国連サミットにおいて 2030 年までに達成すべき「持続可能な開発目標」である SDGs(Sustainable Development Goals)が採択されて以来、豊かさを追求しながらも地球環境を守り、「誰一人取り残さない」ことを目標に世界中で様々な取り組みが行われていますが、まだまだ十分とは言えないのではないでしょうか?
私たちは「継続」「創造」「挑戦」の 3C SPIRIT を持って独自のカーテン管理システムを始めとする医療・福祉サービスを中心に、暮らしに必要な「医(医療・福祉分野)・食(安心安全な食の提供)・住(健康的な住環境)」からなる、清潔で快適な環境空間を提供する事業を展開しています。これまでに培ってきた私たちの技術やネットワークといったリソースを使って、未来のより良い社会を作り出すことはできないでしょうか?私たちと一緒に「真に豊かなサステナブル社会」を考え、皆さんが安心して笑顔で暮らせる社会を実現していきませんか?
<2021 年度 第 1 回 DEMOLA HOKKAIDO の日程>
(Schedule for 2021_1st DEMOLA HOKKAIDO)
◆ 4/10 (10:00-17:00) :Kick off event
◆ 4/24 (10:00-17:00) :Workshop
◆ 5/8 (10:00-17:00) :Workshop
◆ 5/15 (10:00-17:00) ::発表練習会 Demonstration Practice
◆ 5/29 (13:00-17:00) :最終発表会 + ネットワーキング Final Demonstration + Networking
*上記の他に 1 回/週程度のチームミーティングがあります。
* In addition to the above schedule, there will be a team meeting once a week .
The Brief
Since the adoption of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) at the United Nations Summit in 2015, various efforts have been made around the world to achieve the SDGs by 2030, but they are still not enough.
Now, people all over the world are beginning to work towards the common goal of realizing a "sustainable society" that does not destroy the earth's environment, does not use too many resources, and allows future generations to continue to live in peace and affluence on our beautiful planet. What is important for each and every one of us to work on continuously, not temporarily, is to maintain affluence and comfort as well.
Looking to the future, why don't we work together to create a "truly affluent sustainable society" where no one is left behind, not only those who use products and services, but also those who create them?
The background
With the 3C SPIRIT of "Continuity," "Creativity," and "Challenge," the Kingrun Group provides clean and comfortable environmental spaces consisting of "medicine (medical and welfare fields)," "food (provision of safe and secure food)," and "housing (healthy living environment)" that are necessary for daily life, with a focus on medical and welfare services such as our unique curtain management system.
Our core business, "curtain management systems," accounts for about 60% of the market share of medical and welfare facilities nationwide, and we have built a network of trust. This is not only our strength, but also a resource that we want to evolve.
The challenge
Since the adoption of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) at the United Nations Summit in 2015, various efforts have been made around the world to protect the global environment and "leave no one behind" while pursuing prosperity, but I believe that not enough has been done.
The word "sustainable" means "sustainable" or "can be sustained forever.
At present, people around the world are beginning to work towards a common goal: the ealization of a "sustainable" society. It means a society that does not destroy the environment of the earth, does not use too many resources, and allows future generations to continue to live in peace and affluence on the beautiful earth. In order for each of us to work on this not temporarily but continuously, it is important to maintain the feeling of "fun" and "good to do" (comfort) as well. For example, in hospitals and nursing homes, it is important to maintain a sense of comfort. For example, medical curtains, which are mainly used in hospitals and nursing care facilities, are flameproof, light-blocking, anti-static, washable, stain-resistant, and antibacterial, but only part of the used curtains are reused as solid fuel or new resources. It may be important to create other values, such as renovation in a completely different field.
With the 3C SPIRIT of "Continuity," "Creativity," and "Challenge," we are developing a business that provides clean and comfortable environmental space consisting of "medicine (medical and welfare fields), food (provision of safe and secure food), and housing (healthy living environment)" necessary for daily life, focusing on medical and welfare services including our original curtain management system. We are developing our business to provide clean and comfortable environmental spaces. Can't we create a better society in the future by using our resources such as our technologies and networks that we have cultivated so far? Why don't you join us in creating a "truly affluent sustainable society" and realize a society where everyone can live with peace of mind and a smile?
(Schedule for 2021_1st DEMOLA HOKKAIDO)
◆ 4/10 (10:00-17:00) :Kick off event
◆ 4/24 (10:00-17:00) :Workshop
◆ 5/8 (10:00-17:00) :Workshop
◆ 5/15 (10:00-17:00) ::Demonstration Practice
◆ 5/29 (13:00-17:00) :Final Demonstration + Networking
* In addition to the above schedule, there will be a team meeting once a week .