Primary industry Hacking


The brief
近年の技術発達に伴い、農業を中心に第一次産業に対して注目が集まっています。とはいえ、既存のビジネスの考え方でこの分野に参入しようとしても、上手くいかないケースが多いのが現状です。 本来「ハック」とは、「普段信じて疑わない常識や当たり前を、クリエイティヴの力であらわにしたり、突破したりする」ことです。「第一次産業をハックする」ことで、私たちと一緒に第1次産業の新しいビジネスの形を考え、激変する世界の状況に対峙してみませんか?
The background
SCSK 北海道株式会社は、業務アプリケーションソフトウェア開発(特に流通業向け開発、会計人事等 ERP パッケージ導入、モバイル開発)を行っている SCSK の北海道地域子会社として1990 年に設立しました。システム導入のためのシステム化企画から、システム設計・開発・運用サポートまでを提案し、開発から運用までを一貫して行っています。一人ひとりの個性を大切にし、よく飲みよく騒ぎ、IT 業界・ソフトウエア業界の表面的イメージに合わない陽気な会社です。ぜひ、皆さんと一緒に新たなアイデアを考えるのを楽しみにしています。
The problem
昭和の時代を象徴する高度経済成長期、「農業国から、工業化へ」と産業構造が大きく変わり、第 1 次産業が激減し、第 2 次・第 3 次産業が急増しました。特に第 2 次産業の重化学工業による生産性の向上により一気に GDP 世界第二位にまで上がったという時代背景があります。その後、第 2 次産業は横ばいの時代が続きますが、第 3 次産業は年々増加傾向ですすんでいき、昭和後期から平成にかけて、第 3 次産業の就業者割合は全体の半数を超えるまでに拡大し、現在では貿易立国として成り立っています。日本国内の少子高齢化と途上国の人口増加を鑑みると、今後は日本が貿易立国として成り立っていくことは厳しくなるかもしれません。米中貿易戦争、英国の Brexit、核の脅威、日韓対立といった世界を覆う不確実性や新型コロナウィルスの発生など、国内外の社会情勢や環境変化が大きく変化する中、全ての産業の根幹となる、無くてはならない重要な産業であるはずの第1次産業はこのままでいいのだろうか?第1次産業が衰退して、持続可能な社会を維持できるのだろうか?
2020 年度 第1回 DEMOLA HOKKAIDO の日程
4/25 : Kickoff イベント等(11:00-17:00)
5/9 : Workshop (10:00-17:00)
5/23 : Workshop (10:00-17:00)
6/6 : 発表練習会 (10:00-17:00)
6/20 : 最終発表会 (13:00-17:00) + ネットワーキング
*上記の他に 1 回/週程度程度のチームミーティングがあります。
The brief
The primary industries that generally include “agriculture,” “fishing,” “forestry,” and “mining” refer to industries that work directly with the natural world to obtain wealth. And continuous production activities
over a long period of time form secondary natural ecosystems. In other words, it is an indispensable and important industry that has a multifaceted function such as a positive effect of external economic that is secondary to the production process, and is the foundation of all industries. While primary production is growing globally, Japanese primary industry has been flat or sluggish at around 1.2% of GDP over the past decade. And it is surely becoming vulnerable due to a drastic decrease in the working population and the aging of the population, depopulation of agricultural and mountainous villages, and a decrease in farmland and marine resources. It is expected that the decline in birth rate and aging population will accelerate in the future, but is Japanese primary industry just declining?
With the development of technology in recent years, the primary industry, especially agriculture, has been attracting attention, but it is often the case that trying to enter this field with existing business ideas does
not work. Originally, "hack" means "to reveal or break through common sense and common sense that you usually don't believe and doubt with the power of creativity." By "hacking the primary industry", why don't you work with us to think about new business forms of the primary industry and confront the rapidly changing world situation?
The background
SCSK Hokkaido Co., Ltd. was founded in 1990 as a subsidiary of SCSK, which is engaged in business application software development (especially development for distribution industry, introduction of ERP package for accounting personnel etc., mobile development). We are proposing from system planning for system introduction to system design, development and operation support, and we are consistently doing from development to operation. SCSK Hokkaido is a cheerful company that values each person's individuality. We are looking forward to thinking new ideas with you.
The problem
During the high economic growth period, which symbolizes the Showa era, the industrial structure changed drastically, from "agricultural countries to industrialization", primary industries decreased sharply, and secondary and tertiary industries increased sharply. In particular, there is a background in the times when GDP has risen to second place in the world at a stretch due to the productivity increase by the heavy industry in the secondary industry. After that, the secondary industry continued to be flat, and the tertiary industry increased year by year. In Japan, from the late Showa era to the Heisei era, the employment ratio of the ertiary industry expanded to more than half of the total, and is now a trading nation. Given Japan's declining birthrate and aging population and the growing population of developing countries, it may be difficult for Japan to become a trading nation in the future. Under the drastic changes in domestic and foreign social situations and environmental changes, including uncertainties covering the world such as the U.S.-China trade war, Brexit of the United Kingdom, nuclear threats, the conflict between Japan and Korea, and the emergence of a new coronavirus, the foundations of all industries Is the primary industry, which is supposed to be an important and indispensable industry, just as it is? Can primary industry decline and maintain a sustainable society?
I think that the difficulties of the primary industry may be an opportunity to create many business domains.
We believe that we can secure economic value and employment by increasing the added value of the primary industry by enhancing its services.
Schedule of the 2020_1st DEMOLA HOKKAIDO
4/25 : Kickoff event(11:00-17:00)
5/9 : Workshop (10:00-17:00)
5/23 : Workshop (10:00-17:00)
6/6 : Demonstration Practice (10:00-17:00)
6/20 : Final Demonstration (13:00-17:00) + Networking
*There is a team meeting once a week .