The Fifth Industrial Revolution and the Future of Living

Lacura Holdings Co., Ltd

Lacura Holdings Co., Ltd
The Brief
【Better life & Wellbeing】
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The Background
The Challenge
The Brief
AI Announcer "Hello everyone, it's time for the January 1, 2050 news. Today, Japan's population has dropped below 100 million. In particular, the decline of the working-age population is accelerating; the number of seniors over 100 years old is now over 500,000, and the era of 100-year life expectancy is in full swing. As a result of the lengthening of the retirement period and the increase in the number of healthy seniors through efforts to extend healthy life expectancy, the number of senior workers is on the rise, and people enjoying a variety of lifestyles and working are the talk of the town in many parts of the country. Since the 4th Industrial Revolution, the way of working has changed drastically until today. Today, occupations such as ○○ and forms of employment and compensation such as △△ are commonplace. ..."
The above are the changes that are said to occur in 2050. What do you predict the world will be like in 2050? In the development of history, the industrial structure in particular has undergone major changes, and around 2010, the 4th Industrial Revolution began, in which AI and IoT will play an active role. Automation of more sophisticated intellectual activities is progressing, creating new employment needs such as data scientists and meticulous care that can only be provided by humans, rather than simple tasks. Furthermore, it is expected that the Fifth Industrial Revolution, in which computer technology and biotechnology will merge, will follow. However, even as technology changes, human thinking and social conventions will not change immediately. Only when technological innovation is matched with human thinking and social conventions will innovation with great impact occur.
What kind of world will unfold in Japan in the future in 2050, when the 5th Industrial Revolution has arrived? Let's think together about new businesses that only the Lacura Group can undertake, so that many people can "be themselves and keep smiling" in such a world.
【Better life & Wellbeing】
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The Background
Lacura Holdings Co., Ltd. is a total service provider for seniors. Based on our core vision of "producing 100 seniors who live in style by 2030," we aim to increase the number of people who can continue to "be themselves and keep smiling" as they age. To this end, our values are to provide a place where people can continue to be useful to society, to implement initiatives to extend healthy life expectancy, and to create a place where people can continue to connect with each other and warmly interact with each other. For example, Rakura Shinkawa, which opened in 2018, offers a culture school, the "10 Years Younger" Club, which provides a place to move, create, and learn, and promotes community building by working with local adults and children. We will continue to support seniors who "live, in style," living as healthy, independent, and enjoyable lives as possible, and continue to take on the challenges of the future as society undergoes rapid changes. We have been helping small and medium-sized nursing care providers solve their business challenges by developing businesses ranging from facility services to home services, meal services that not only provide housing for the elderly but also support their health from the aspect of food, and nursing home placement services that introduce facilities that match the needs of our clients. We aim to create new businesses in a wide range of business fields, including health and work, not limited to housing and food, based on the experience and knowledge we have accumulated up to now, with the goal of "producing 100 elderly people who live in style.
The Challenge
Throughout the development of history, the industrial structure in particular has undergone major changes: the first industrial revolution in the 18th century saw the mechanization of light industry, with cotton textiles and steam engines taking the place of manual labor. The second industrial revolution saw the mechanization of heavy industry through the use of electricity and petroleum, which led to mass production. In the third industrial revolution, the Internet developed and computers automated simple tasks.
Then, around 2010, we entered the fourth industrial revolution, where AI and IoT are being used to automate more sophisticated intellectual activities. For example, AI not only operates according to human programming, but can also learn autonomously and perform advanced tasks such as predicting stock price fluctuations and driving cars on behalf of humans. Furthermore, it is said that by utilizing IoT and big data, it will be possible to deliver products tailor-made to meet the needs of customers acquired in real time. The fourth industrial revolution has also brought about changes in the structure of employment. While traditional middle-skill white-collar jobs, which used to be the volume zone of employment, are likely to decrease significantly, new employment needs will be created that can only be fulfilled by humans, such as management strategists, data scientists, waitstaff at high-end restaurants, and meticulous caregivers. Furthermore, it is said that the Fifth Industrial Revolution, in which computer technology and biotechnology will merge, is also expected to follow.
However, even if technology changes, human thinking and social conventions will not change immediately. To put it another way, if human thinking and social conventions do not change, technology will not be utilized. For example, ZOOM, which spread at a dash with the Corona disaster, was originally an old technology for lovers in remote areas. Only when technological innovation matches human thinking and social conventions can innovation with great impact occur. In order to create a better world, let us predict what the world will be like in 2050. What will the lifestyles of people in that future be like? We are open to any ways and means to conduct our business activities in such a way that all people connected to us can become "chic people.