~共存・共栄・共感プラットフォーム~ Each for all, and all for each
~Coexistence, co-prosperity and empathy platform~ Each for all, and all for each

Sakura Network System Cooperative

Sakura Network System Cooperative
The Brief
ビジネスにおいても、昨今のcovid-19に代表されるように企業は常に様々な環境変化にさらされ、毎日新たな挑戦を繰り返し、従業員や家族の生活、ひいては日本の経済を支えています。時には、人材不足やコストの増大など厳しい局面に立たされることもあるでしょう。そのような環境下で、持続的に課題解決・新たな挑戦に取り組むためには “パートナーシップ”が重要なのではないでしょうか。個人や少数で出来ることは限られており、多様な相手に共感し協力する環境を構築する必要があるでしょう。SDGsの目標の一つにも掲げられているように、パートナーシップの重要性を理解して、一人でも多くの人たちが必要に応じて助け合い共感し発展していくためには、私たちが持つプラットフォームで、どのような価値を提供し、どのように広めていくことが必要なのでしょうか。
【Society & Culture】
*DEMOLA Global HPにてテーマを探す際に使用してください
The Background
The Challenge
The Brief
Do you have a close friend who can support you?
●When I missed a class, my friend helped me study for the test.
●When I had a cold, my sister came to my house to take care of me.
●We all shared the L size pizza, which was a great deal.
I am sure many of you have had the experience of overcoming something you could not have done alone, even if it was a small thing, by helping each other out, or have been able to accomplish something because you were part of a team.
In business, as exemplified by the recent covid-19, companies are constantly exposed to various changes in the business environment and are constantly taking on new challenges every day to support the lives of their employees and their families, and ultimately the Japanese economy. At times, they may find themselves in difficult situations such as human resource shortages or cost increases. In such an environment, I believe that "partnership" is important in order to continuously solve problems and tackle new challenges. As one of the goals of the SDGs, we need to understand the importance of partnerships, and to develop an environment where as many people as possible can help each other and empathize with each other as needed. What value do we need to provide and how do we spread the word on the platform we have?
【Society & Culture】
*Please use it to search for themes on DEMOLA Global HP.
The Background
Sakura Network System Cooperative was established in 1984. As a cooperative of small and medium-sized enterprises in different industries, we have been working to solve various problems in the corporate management of our members through mutual assistance (mutual help and support for each other). Our services such as cost reduction of expressway tolls by using large-lot multi-frequency discounts, support for globalization of companies (acceptance of technical interns, support for acceptance of specified skills), and support for IT and DX of SMEs (e.g., support for introduction of RPA) started after the expansion of the new Corona can increase productivity of companies and contribute to creation of corporate value. Since our establishment, we have always taken on new challenges. As long as our members are aiming for growth, we are also aiming for growth and will always provide services that are useful for creating corporate value for our members. We look forward to working together with you.
The Challenge
In general, cooperatives are economic organizations created by people who voluntarily come together with a common goal. They contribute their own capital in the form of capital contributions, become members, use the business, and participate in management as members. University student cooperatives and agricultural cooperatives (JA) probably come to mind. Many of these cooperatives may offer low-cost products through bulk purchases at low prices as one of their major values.
Sakura Network System Cooperative, as a cooperative of small and medium-sized enterprises from different industries, has been providing services to its members by utilizing its network and helping them to improve their productivity to produce great results at low costs. As of March 2021, the number of cooperative members has grown to 1080 companies and is becoming a nationwide platform. The more members who sympathize and participate in a cooperative, the greater its influence and the wider range of services it can provide. We have been working hard to build a close relationship of trust with our members, but we also feel that we are currently lacking a platform for coexistence and co-prosperity. We are also looking for ways to provide new services to our members who support us. For example, we are developing a new service called Sakura Tsushin "Tsunago," in which we take the lead in disseminating information about our members' resources to other members so that they can help each other and provide each other with services.
We are also building a service that our members will find more valuable and be satisfied with their participation in the Sakura Network System. We hope to become an entity that can return value to society more broadly.