Lead us to the essence of learning! Evolving "EdTech”

Software Science,Inc.

Software Science,Inc.
The Brief
【Society & Cultur】
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The Background
The Challenge
何かを学ぶ方法は、かつて机に向かって鉛筆を走らせるのが一般的なスタイルでした。しかし、今はデバイス(PC、タブレット、スマートフォン)の普及や環境改善、CD-ROM教材やサテライト授業といった教育のコンテンツ化、STREAM教育 の浸透、MOOC の展開に加え、新型コロナウイルスによる休校要請の影響で、時間や場所を問わないスタイルが急速に進展しています。これらの変化に対応したEdTechに取り組む企業が世界的にも増加しています。EdTechは、Education(教育)+Technology(テクノロジー)を合わせた造語で、その名の通り、テクノロジーで教育・学習現場の課題を解決したり、新たな学びを創造することを指します。テクノロジーの進化により、ICT教育 にSNSやゲームの要素を盛り込んだもの、学習者の理解度に合わせたアダプティブラーニング を搭載したものまで現在のEdTechは多様化しています。中でも教師・学習者のデータ蓄積により、全ての人に個別最適な学習プログラムが提供可能になったことが最新の変化であると言われています。つまり「教室」という時間・場所の制約解除が第一弾の変化であり、現在はAIやセンサリングなどの最新技術を搭載したサービスも登場し、最適な教育カリキュラムを提供する教育カスタマイゼーションという第二弾の変化が起きています。
The Brief
Why should I study?"
What would you say if you were asked this question?
The declining birthrate and aging population, the Giga School concept, visions of future classrooms, the arrival of the 100-year life period, the collapse of the lifetime employment system, the spread of side jobs and dual employment, the reskilling of working adults, recurrent, gifted and talented education, etc., etc. The concept and scope of "study" has expanded greatly over the past few decades, and is expected to change even more in the future. What triggers you to want to learn about a topic, and what actions will you take?
To acquire the knowledge and experiences necessary for life, such as a basic education,
learning as a liberal arts to acquire the liberal arts to enrich your life, learning to gain cutting-edge knowledge and skills to open up new opportunities, learning as active or passive learning, and so on. There are many different styles of learning, some of which you are not consciously aware of, but some of which come naturally to you.
What is the essence of learning?
And what can technology do in the future to ensure that this essence is provided in the learning environment?
What kind of support and technology will be needed in the future to support those who learn, support those who teach, and utilize data?
Let's capture the changes that have taken place and work together to create new forms of learning for the future.
【Society & Cultur】
*Please use it to search for themes on DEMOLA Global HP.
The Background
Software Science Corporation is a group of professionals that provides optimal IT systems in three areas by connecting people, IT, and companies under the corporate philosophy of "Always by your side".
In the manufacturing/IT domain, we provide flexible services such as business expansion, cost reduction, and business efficiency improvement through RPA and DX.
In the distribution/financial domain, we provide development and implementation support for customer and point management, settlement services, and overseas remittance services.
In the education domain, we provide digital grading systems/BPO services, instructional support, and ICT support for schools.
In order to meet the diverse needs of our customers, we are developing our business with the cooperation of domestic and overseas business partners through our three domestic bases (Tokyo, Osaka, and Okinawa). From FY2019, we are expanding our business globally to China, India, Singapore, Vietnam, Myanmar, and other Asian countries.
In the future, we will aim for further expansion with a global perspective in order to offer value propositions to more customers.
I look forward to working with you all on the DEMOLA program with a broad perspective and a high viewpoint that will help solve social issues.
The Challenge
In the past, the most common way to learn something was to sit at a desk and run a pencil through it. However, today, the proliferation of devices (PCs, tablets, and smartphones) and environmental improvements, the shift to educational content such as CD-ROM materials and satellite classes, the spread of STREAM education, the development of MOOCs, and the request to close schools due to the new coronavirus The impact of the new coronavirus The time- and location-independent style of education is rapidly developing. The number of companies engaging in EdTech in response to these changes is increasing worldwide. EdTech is a term coined by combining the words "education" and "technology," and refers to the use of technology to solve problems in education and learning and to create new learning. As technology evolves, EdTech is now diversified, ranging from ICT education with elements of SNS and games to adaptive learning that matches the learner's level of understanding. The most recent change is said to be the ability to provide learning programs that are optimized for each individual student based on the accumulation of teacher and learner data. In other words, the lifting of restrictions on the time and place of the "classroom" was the first phase of change, and now services equipped with the latest technologies such as AI and sensoring are also emerging, leading to the second phase of change: educational customization that provides optimal educational curricula.
However, it is also true that there are still many challenges associated with this change. These include: increased burden on teachers and parents due to the switch of operations in the educational field; communication problems such as difficulty in seeing students' reactions, lack of reality, and children's inability to concentrate due to lectures on PCs; lack of terminals and budget adjustments; and many other points. In particular, according to an OECD survey, Japan ranks last in the OECD in terms of human resources such as school teachers and the use of devices in the classroom, and is lagging behind in promoting EdTech in school education.
In the U.S., China, and India, the market is expanding, led by startups, with Duolingo, a multilingual learning platform that utilizes gamification elements, and Byju's, which provides low-cost video content and practice tests throughout India, making great strides. Momentum is growing. Are there any examples from overseas that can be incorporated into Japan?
The use of EdTech is not limited to school education. The opportunities and possibilities are expanding because we live in a time when learning is necessary for everyone from young children to working adults. With those of you who are currently in the field of learning, we would like to predict the third round of changes that will take place and discover business opportunities that respond to these changes.
Let's think together about new EdTech services.