Further brighten Hokkaido after COVID-19


The brief
毎年行われる「地域ブランド調査」において、北海道は 2009年から 11年連続で 1位に輝いています。人々は何を求めて北海道を訪れるのでしょうか?四季折々の大自然、美味しい食事など、世界に誇れる魅力が北海道にはあふれています。
そんな「憧れのくに」北海道が今、新型コロナウイルスに苦しんでいます。この危機を乗り越え、10年後、50年後そして 100年後も愛される大地であり続けるため、私たちに何ができるでしょうか。
The background
エア・ウォーター※ の歴史は 1929年に始まります。当時の札幌は小樽・函館に次ぐ第3の都市でしたが、酸素工場はありませんでした。
その後はガスを軸としつつ事業の幅を拡げ、2度の合併を経て 2000年に「エア・ウォーター」が誕生。酸素・窒素・アルゴンといった産業ガス・医療ガスの他、「ハローガス」ブランドで知られる家庭向け LP ガスや灯油でも高いシェアを誇ります。
同じ志をもつ皆さんとDEMOLA で出会い、北海道の未来を一緒に創る日を心待ちにしています。
The problem
例えば、北海道の魅力の 1 つである食べ物。農産物、水産物、スイーツなど加工品を生み出すにも、空気や水などの資源とエネルギーを使います。私たちの生活は資源やエネルギーなくして成り立たず、未来を見据えた「SDGs」の取組みは避けて通れません。
日本全土の約 22%を占める広大な北海道では、それぞれの地域に寄り添い、未来を地域ごとに考える必要があります。
ブランド総合研究所の「都道府県の愛着度ランキング 2019」によると、北海道は2年連続1位。北海道出身者の実に83.9%が、地元北海道に愛着を感じると回答しています。北海道の魅力をいちばん知っているのは、住んでいる私たちです。
2020 年度 第 2 回 DEMOLA HOKKAIDO の日程
8/08 : Kickoff イベント等(11:00-17:00) + ネットワーキング
8/22 : Workshop (10:00-17:00)
9/05 : Workshop (10:00-17:00)
9/12 : 発表練習会 (10:00-17:00)
9/26 : 最終発表会 (13:00-17:00) + ネットワーキング
*上記の他に週 1 回程度のチームミーティングがあります。
The brief
Hokkaido has been ranked number one for 11 consecutive years since 2009 in the annual “Regional Brand Survey”. What do people look for in Hokkaido? Hokkaido has vivid nature,
beautiful scenery, and delicious food, has many charms to boast to the world.
Such a “land of longing”, Hokkaido is now suffering from COVID-19. What can we do to overcome this crisis and continue to be a land that will be loved for 10, 50 and even 100 years?
Let's create a new future together by utilizing the resources of our company (Air Water),
which has been close to Hokkaido for more than 90 years!
The background
The history of Air Water* begins in 1929. At that time Sapporo was the third largest city after Otaru and Hakodate, but there was no oxygen plant in the city.
"Oxygen is essential to save lives and is also necessary for industry. And oxygen plant is absolutely necessary for the development of Sapporo", with this strong mind of founders, “Hokkai Sanso” was established in Sapporo.
After that, we expanded the scope of our business focused on gas, through two mergers, "Air Water" was born in 2000. In addition to industrial and medical gases such as oxygen, nitrogen and argon, we also have a high market share in household LP gas and kerosene known for the "Hello Gas" brand.
On the other hand, in order to respond to the diverse needs that change with times, diversification of business by utilizing the technologies, we are proceeding for cultivate for regional characteristics, such as the development of frozen foods using liquid nitrogen and the biogas plant that uses livestock.
Like our company name, "Air" and "Water," we will continue to create and develop community-based businesses that are indispensable to the lives of the people in Hokkaido.
We are looking forward to seeing you with same ambitions at DEMOLA and together create the future of Hokkaido!
The problem
What possibilities and opportunities do you find in the future of Hokkaido?
For example, food is one of the attractions. We use energy and resources such as air and water to produce agricultural products, seafood, and sweets. Resources and energy are essential to our lives, and we must make efforts of the “SDGs” for the future.
Every industry has been affected by COVID-19, and the environment surrounding us has changed dramatically. What kind of “value” do people expect from Hokkaido as their values and needs change rapidly?
In the vast island of Hokkaido, which occupy about 22% of the whole of Japan, it is necessary to be close to each region and think about the future region by region.
According to the Brand Research Institute's “Prefectural Attachment Ranking 2019”, Hokkaido ranked number one for two consecutive years. In fact, 83.9% of people from Hokkaido say they feel an attachment to their hometown of Hokkaido. The people who most know about Hokkaido are the people who live there.
Now that COVID-19 has highlighted the challenges to overcome, let's look for a new future together with us who have been close to the region of Hokkaido!
Schedule of the 2020_2nd DEMOLA HOKKAIDO
8/08 : Kickoff event(11:00-17:00) + Networking
8/22 : Workshop (10:00-17:00)
9/05 : Workshop (10:00-17:00)
9/12 : Demonstration Practice (11:00-17:00)
9/26 : Final Demonstration (13:00-17:00) + Networking
*There is a team meeting once a week.